ESHET 2025

ESHET 2025

From 22 to 24 May 2025, the 28th annual conference of ESHET (European Society for the History of Economic Thought) will be organised in Turin.

The key theme of the event will be ‘It's the end of economics (as we know it)’, with talks on the history of economic thought and, in particular, a focus on the changing status of economics from a historical perspective.

Economic studies are taking on an increasingly less traditional mode, in favour of greater interdisciplinarity and specialisation of research. The use of modern databases and tools allows a new opening towards other social sciences, such as innovation and sustainability.

The meetings will take place at the venues of the University of Turin, specifically at the Luigi Einaudi Campus, and are open to ESHET members; you can register on their website.

Thanks to the partnership with Decathlon DMC, Incoming Experience will take care of the accommodation of the event participants.

Click here to book your room in Turin, via our dedicated platform.

For more information about the conference click here